Taylor Definition- Free Information

Taylor’s definition of free information has to do with the fact that there are proponents and opponents to Net neutrality. Proponents believe that Net neutrality will allow the internet to become an open platform, where all users have access to free information. It has frequently been argued that this open network will ensure the the equal treatment of all data, but it fails to address the fact that net neutrality applies to cable or DSL service at home, but not your cell phone. Smartphones have given us the ability to search for information, and since people are frequently on the go, this is primarily their means of searching for information. Proponents of net neutrality believe that openness and free information will eliminate discriminatory behavior, and prevent companies from spiking traffic to their own websites. There is a commonly held belief that this access to free information will level the playing field and allow everyone to obtain success, especially those in arts and culture. However, these proponents fail to acknowledge the commercialization and consolidation of the digital sphere, as well as the market’s role in shaping our media system. In other words, free information which is seen as the tool that levels the playing field for all, is actually a myth because the corporate giants are still the ones who inevitably profit since most individuals do not have the money to invest in their success like huge corporations do.


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