Response to Turner – Janelle Figueroa

The shift Turner talks about is the acceptance of computers and new technology from one era to the next. There are a number of things that could’ve changed our views of information technology and the Internet itself. Within our group we talked about the following possibilities why there was a drastic change.

Time can do wonders on new ideas and concepts. It was approximately 30 years since the first introduction of the computer to society in the 60s to the 90s. Time allowed advances that would transform the way people did things and the way they lived with themselves. Also, within the 30 years people were able to learn more about computers and their abilities. This could be the reason why the shift of acceptance went from being extremely hesitant in the 60s to welcoming in the 90s.

Another thing to take into consideration is the difference with the generation. In the 60s, things like televisions, phones, computers, etc. was in its beginning stages. During this decade, many people were against military and government, especially the Vietnam War. Computers then were for military use. When it was available for public use it did not gain much acceptance. They were more skeptical of why the computer was available to them when it was strictly for the military. It could also be possible that they might’ve felt as if the government was trying to control them, maybe even trying to take away their individual privacy. In the 90s people were more carefree and open-minded. I think they were more accepting because more information was available to them. There was also this sense of free being with technology. They were able to do what they wanted and discover new things with what was available for them. This change in view goes for any new concept/idea that is introduced to humankind.

Janelle Figueroa


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